It Happened on Saturday by Sydney Dunlap

Review by Groff Lai

Jolly Fish Press, February 2023

256 pages, Hardcover, $26.98CAD, 9781631636943

Young Adult, Ages 10+


I walked around school with an ache in my chest, feeling like the loneliest person who had ever lived.

If I told Dad about Tyler, I’d probably never be allowed to see him again

Have you ever received unsolicited DMs on Instagram? Would you reply to them? In the digital age, human trafficking recruiters often utilize technology to lure young victims into their traps, an issue that Sydney Dunlap’s It Happened on Saturday aims to address. Victims can be as young as thirteen-year-old Julia Coulson––a vegetarian, animal lover, and equestrian who dedicates her free time to volunteering and improving her riding skills at a rescue barn. However, not all of Julia’s circle of friends share her enthusiasm for horses. When her best friend, Nori, returns from a two-month camp with a newfound interest in makeup, it comes with some unexpected news––Nori has begun dating Luke Gerrior, a fellow student! Seeking to connect with Nori on a new level, Julia undergoes a makeover and shares her transformation on Instagram.

Her Instagram post catches the eye of a tenth grader, Tyler, who attends a private school across town. He begins DMing Julia, offering her the attention that her family and friends seem unable to provide. Slowly, Julia lets her guard down and starts secretly meeting him in person. As the story unfolds, Tyler’s true intentions come to light, revealing the dangers of online predators.

Sydney Dunlap draws from her experience as a former elementary school teacher working with at-risk youth to expertly craft a narrative that delves into the unsettling, yet realistic encounters tweens and teens may face without proper supervision. The novel’s strength lies in its unflinching portrayal of Julia’s harrowing experience trapped with a recruiter and a trafficker in a hotel room, highlighting the potential dangers lurking in the digital landscape.

Narrated in first person, Julia’s inner turmoil and conflicts will resonate deeply with readers her age, providing an intimate glimpse into the complexities of adolescence. It Happened on Saturday confronts themes of stagnant friendships, feelings of isolation, and the grim realities of human trafficking, all through the lens of an eighth-grader’s tumultuous life.

Through Dunlap’s skilled storytelling, this novel serves as a powerful cautionary tale, urging vigilance and awareness when navigating the digital world. It prompts crucial conversations about online safety and the importance of parental supervision. It Happened on Saturday is not just a compelling read, but a vital exploration of the potential risks faced by young individuals in today’s interconnected world.

Groff Lai (she/her/hers) holds a BA in English Language and Literature with a minor in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. When she’s not immersed in the world of literature, she can be found breaking a sweat at the gym or finding inner peace through hot yoga sessions. Aspiring to become a published author, she harbours a deep love for Creative Nonfiction, where storytelling meets personal reflection.

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